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Sick Jack Russell

20 9:27:58

I have a 1 yr old Jack Russell, that when I came home from work noticed that she had vomited a large yellowish watery mass.
After being home about 15 mins she vomited again.  I took her outside and she did not consume any grass, but when I brought her in she does not seem playful and vomited a 3rd time.
I was able to get her to drink some water, afterwards she was shaking like she was cold.
I am extremely concerned, but wonder if I am over reacting.
We have a 3 yr old male Jack in the house and he seems fine.
Please help!

Hello Elizabeth,
It could be any number of things and there is no way anyone can diagnose over the internet. Usually the yellow/watery is what they vomit when their stomachs are empty.. it is bile.  They shake when they are nervous and vomiting can make them shake too. I would keep an eye on her, make sure she's getting water and if she doesn't improve, get her to the vet. She may have just eaten something that didn't agree with her (house plant? or anything that was laying around?) or it may be something worse, you never know unless you take her to the vet to be seen.  Don't you wish they could talk sometimes?
Good luck and I hope she feels better soon.