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Peeing and Pooping in the House

20 9:27:51

We have a 7-month JR that we got when she was 8 wks. old.  We took her to obedience classes which were very good through Petco.  She did pretty well.  She sits, lies down, stays, begs.  Her "coming" needs more work.  Her sitting and staying has been tested in the midst of outdoor activity and she does well enough (on a leash, of course).  FYI we have a 4-yr. old Australian cattle dog who is trained well.  Both dogs usually go in the backyard together.  We walk the older dog twice a day, but the JR gets her "walking on a leash" when we take her once or twice a week on outings with us to socialize her, leaving the cattle dog at home.  

Our problem lies with the "house training."  Even though we let her out 15 min. after she eats and keep her out for 10 to 15 min., she very often will come back in and "go" in the house soon afterward.  She usu. will go on an area rug; though we watch her, she is so quick at "going", it's hard to catch her in the act.  A few times, I held the cattle dog back (with whom the JR enjoys playing) to minimize distraction.  That didn't seem to make much of a difference.  (I admit we haven't actually stayed outside with her until she goes.)  Today, I took the poop from the house and put it in a specific location in the yard, carrying the JR with me in hopes of giving her the message.  The jury's still out on this, but we're planning on being consistent with this subject, of course, to your advice.  

FYI -- when we leave the house without her, we leave her in her crate.  We are gone 3 hrs. at most.  As soon as we come home, we let her out in the backyard and she pees immediately.  She does not "go" in her crate.

Our cattle dog was trained, via a bell hung on the doorknob, to go outside.  When I try to convey that idea to our JR, she seems to either be afraid of the bell or puzzled by it.  In any case, that mode has been unsuccessful with her.  

FYI, water is available 24/7.  Both dogs are fed appropriate amounts twice a day: 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.  

Hi Mary,
It sounds like you've been right on with her obedience and social training - although I would definitely take her on more walks than just the couple of times a week she currently gets. Twice a day would be better if possible. Maybe take the two dogs together?
That's great that she doesn't soil her crate, which tells me that she knows what she's doing!
AS far as the house training goes, I have an absolute specific way of training that starts as soon as 8 weeks.
You already have a good foundation in place but if she is still "going" in the house, it might be time to start over from scratch!  Take her out OFTEN, every hour isn't too much in the beginning stages of training, and definitely give her some time to "go".  When she DOES "go" you have to go absolutely overboard with praise, like it's the best thing you have ever seen in the world. Reward with a small piece of cheese or treat of your choice. Do this over and over and over and over until you think you'll go crazy! Positive reinforcement works marvelously fast and she will "get it" that you are sooooo happy with her when she "goes" outside!  Don't scream and punish when she makes a mistake in the  house, because usually they don't know what you're angry about. However, if you are able to catch her in the act, that's the BEST time to scoop her up and get her outside. I know it's hard!! They are fast!
Repetition, continuity, praise and reward. It takes 8 week old puppies about a month to totally grasp the concept so a 7 month old should learn much faster. Just stick to it, go out as often as you can and keep positive! It's hard but it works!!
You should also have a "code word" to use that means it's time to go outside and pee/poop.  I use "go pee" - and every single time she goes outside you say the code word.  Eventually you will see her squat to pee even if she doesn't really have to go that bad. Dogs are smart and once they know what you want, they are so eager to please you and will follow through!  Repetition, continuity, praise, reward (until you think you'll go crazy from doing it so much)....
She will learn!! Good luck, you'll be great!