Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Jack Russells > itchiness


20 9:23:46

my JRT long legged is 2yrs he has a constant itch on his back, he keeps going under chairs to scratch his back i put Mirra-Cote with BioZinc 2 pumps on his food but itching is getting worse, please advise which dog food i should be feeding him because i know their skins are very sensitive

Hi Colleen,
Unfortunately Jack Russells are allergic to many things besides food, but food does seem to be the worst culprit. The most common allergen in food is WHEAT.  Try to go with an all natural dog food, grain free.  The fish and potato dog foods are very popular with jack russells due to the minimal wheat and meat content. Here is a link that provides lots of excellent information on different dog food brands here in the States. I hope they are also what you buy in Africa?
Click on REVIEWS and pick a 5 or a 6 star food to feed your dog. They list all the ingredients for you to see and you can start there. Very best of luck to you and your Jack. :)