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help with house training our 4 month pup!

20 9:29:31

I have a 4 month female jack russell. I have had her since she was 2 months and have been very diligent with house training. We crate her at night and she never goes while in there-simply because she will whine during the night if she has to go. But during the day is something else...the first problem is that she does not let us know when she needs to go out. What is the best way to make this happen? When she does go outside we praise her and even have our treats right on the porch to give her right away. She never is out of her playpen in the house unless I am watching her like a hawk-and yet she still goes! She will look right at me and pee...and this happens 15 minutes after i have taken her out! I am taking her out 3 or 4 times an hour it seems. Should I measure her water she can drink? It has been 2 months of this and she even got worse this week when she began defecating inside again. We have our carpet cleaned with special animal cleaner also...please help!!!

Hi Mary Rose,

You sound like you're doing everything right! Please try to be patient, it takes a while for them to fully grasp the concept and she's still very very young. Her bladder is TINY and fills and empties constantly at this age.  If you are still having trouble in a year I would be concerned. I know it's a lot of work and a huge commitment to house train a puppy but it is worth it in the long run. You are doing a great job - 3 or 4 times an hour is good! I take my pups out around the clock to house (very tiring for the first 4 months let me tell you!) It really does pay off in the long run. Keep up the great work.
One suggestion I have is don't let her drink after 6:00pm (or after her evening meal), this really helps control having to go in the middle of the night.
Good luck!
Good job!