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Jack russell bites people and draws blood

20 9:26:28

My son was bitten by his JR as he was setting his food bowl down. It got severely infected. His JR also bit him in the face. Another time it bit him on the arm. All were deep bloody bites. The JR bit my hand three years ago and it bled like mad. Yesterday he bit the house painter on the calf and the maid inside the house. I'm afraid my son will get sued. My son and wife have a week old baby. I'm worried the JR will bite the baby. They sent the dog away to a professional dog trainer for two weeks but it still bites and growls menacingly. I'm so worried it will bite the baby. This 10 yr old dog is greatly loved and a little spoiled. What should I do? Can it be trained not to bite? Will it bite the baby? The JR also pees on the carpet in front of my son. Please help.

Hi Linda,
Babies always come before spoiled JRT's. There is no way I would keep the dog in that house with a new baby. PERIOD. The dog is ten years old, set in his ways, although no dog is totally untrainable, I would never risk it. The trainer (or a different one) needs to come back but if your son and wife don't follow through with the proper techniques, it's really useless. The dog knows that he can get away with it - and defiantly urinates in front of your son. He basically thinks he is the boss of the house. SERIOUS training is needed again, and right away. Love or no love, that dog is a threat to the baby.
It's crucial that a professional COME INTO THE HOUSE to train the dog or place the dog with someone else, preferably with no kids!!