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adopted a senior jrt who is pregnant??

20 9:21:40

Found you on google and was hoping you could help me!

We adopted a female JRT from a family who was going to send her to the pound. They had a male and female JRT that they couldn't keep with a new baby almost here. The male found a new home so we took in Sophie.

When we picked her up, she was in heat(or the end of it) in the beginning of december. She is chubby and just turned 7. one week ago, we really started noticing her belly is getting bigger. & then a few days ago, her teats are starting to fill with milk. so far the bottom 4 are full. They are so full like she runs, and it sounds like someone is clapping for her!! lol

I saw discharge yesterday clear mucous like that has continued today. Her stomach gets so distended after she eats. I took her temperature today and she is at 100.0 F. she has also been very protective of myself and her bed towards our other female lab.

When can we expect her to deliver by the sound of her symptoms? We have a lab who has had a litter before but we knew the exact day she connected with the male so we were prepared for the day. Since we dont know when she mated, we aren't too sure of her delivery date? Is she due this week? next week? a month from now? how many puppies can we expect in her litter? Her previous owners said they adopted her from an individual who bred her once before. Our vet is switching office buildings and is unavailable to see her but told me to take her to an animal hospital??

the attached picture was taken 4 days ago, since then, her boobs have filled in much more.

Thank you so much for your help!

Hi Stephanie

She looks and sounds ready to go anytime now. Keep taking her temperature twice a day, once in the  morning and once in the evening. Dogs normal temperature is 101 and usually when it drops a full degree or more, it indicates she will be having the puppies within the next 24 hours.   Prepare a whelping box (a plastic baby pool) works great, and look for signs of labor which include heavy panting, digging, restlessness and no desire to eat.  You can only find out how many puppies if you take her to have an xray -  I would do that right away.
Keep her calm and when heavy labor starts, stay with her in a quiet room and help her through the delivery.  You've had a litter before so that's good, you'll know what to expect, but I would say get ready NOW, it's time, or very very near time. Good luck!!!