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Jack Russell/Cairn Terrier mix

20 9:30:01

I have just bought a Jack Russell/Cairn Terrier mix. She nips constantly and barks back if I try to stop her. She is very dominant. If I put my finger up to make the sound you suggest she would be biting if before I could do anything. She is this way about 4 o'clock every day, for about an hour. Then she seems to settle down again and snuggles in. What I have been dong when she starts is put her in her kennel. Will she get the message that this is not good behavior and that we will not play with her when she bites?

Hi Chris,
No, I would not put her in the crate. It's not a jail and should be used is a POSITIVE way. When you go out for the day and put her in there, she will think she's being punished.  Use the crate only in a good way.  
Put a leash on her and leave it on her during that
"witching hour".  If you can't use your hand to physically correct her with that Milan technique, use the leash and give it a hard tug EVERY time she is
biting or barking at you. Make the sound too.  Don't give up, I know it's hard but stay consistent!!!! It's going to take some time. Hang in there!