Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Jack Russells > Allergies


20 9:25:54



My 2 1/2 year JR, Pearl, has a seasonal allergy (most likely to ragweed) and this is the second fall she's suffered from it.  Last year, and this year, she has taken Chlorpheniramine and Genesis topical spray prescribed by the vet.  Last year it seemed to control it pretty well, but this year it has been more difficult.  She started showing problems early in August.  Despite giving her the pill, she is still itchy and has red raw skin on her paws -- but not too bad.  Last night she was awake most of the night gnawing on her paws and has opened up some raw areas on the bottoms of her paws.  This is new .. as her irritation has usually been on the tops of her paws and up the inside of her legs.  They are small areas that look like the top layer of skin has been taken off (almost like when you peel the skin off a grape). Does it sound to you as though I should visit the vet again to talk about some alternate treatments or should I stick it out a little longer (the first hard frosts should be here soon, and with it, relief, I hope).  Do I need to be worried about the raw areas on her pads?  She hops around because they must hurt.  I got some Biocaine antiseptic cream and have been putting it on the wounds.  Should I get her a cone?  She continues to gnaw.   Is there anything else I could do to bring her some relief?  What about baths?  Would it be good, or bad, considering she has raw skin?  I'm afraid to put the Genesis on the bottom of her pads, that it might sting.  Should I?    I have no problem if your answer is "take her to the vet".  I was just wondering if there are some homeopathic things I might try.  And I also wonder if the vet really can do anything else for her?  Poor thing.

Thank you for reading this!


I'm going to tell you to take her to the vet and the reason is, allergies which are frustrating and horrible to to dogs can also turn into skin infections that can really make a dog very sick.
She might have a raging infection right now and nothing but antibiotics will work. Steroids are another short term option that will bring some much needed relief to Pearl. A cone is definitely a start, you need to keep her mouth and feet away from her scratching herself and making things worse. Don't put anything on her paws that will sting. Allergies are relentless and usually if the dog is allergic to one thing, she will be allergic to many things. :(  
Have you had her tested? It is expensive but it is fast and can give you an absolute definitive answer as to what she is allergic to so you can make her life more comfortable. I feel so bad for both of you, it's not an easy condition to deal and live with.  If she has any open wounds you should definitely bring her to the vet. So sorry, and good luck with her.