Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Jack Russells > Question!!??


20 9:30:08

I just noticed my Jack Russell that is 4 months old (both wire haired parents) is losing spots of hair.  He has 4 or 5 spots on his body!?? What could it mean!? I am going to the vet Friday I just wondered if you had any ideas??


Hi Kimberly,
Oh boy, there could be a number of reasons for this!
Are there sores where the hair loss is? Is she constantly licking those areas? Or scratching those areas? It could be an allergy of some sort, which causes some sores called granulomos. Has she experienced some sort of change in her daily routine? Is she nervious?  Did you change your carpeting? Does she have mites, fleas or ticks? Please don't take offense, it's just a very typical question? Even the best groomed dogs can get an occassional nuisance! Do you have medical history on the pup? Do either of the parents have diabetes or other condition?
She may have a condition called dermatopic or atopic alopecia - which means hair loss but has many variables.
You are doing the best thing by going to the vet to get a diagnostic evaluation.    At the top of this post I pasted a page of a website that will give you the complete list of the causes of hair loss. I wish you the very best of luck! Again, you are doing the best thing by taking her in to be seen. It could be something serious or it could be something very minor. Take care, good luck.