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Male JRT Problem...MAJOR!!!!!

20 9:29:59

My husband and I purchased an English JRT (9 months old, male) three weeks ago, we had him neutered last week so he's still healing with stitches. Our neighbor is moving and asked us to take her English JRT (male, 2 year old and he's not neutered). We said yes and plan to have him neutered next week. Here's the problem, the two Jack's hate each other and have basically tried to kill each other each time we have tried to introduce them. We have tried many techniques such as breaking the fight up with water, crating with blankets with each others scent on them at night, leashes, and nothing seems to be working. We also have a 2 yr. old female lab who gets along with both dogs when they are not trying to kill each other. Any suggestions at this point would be greatly appreciated!!!! Thank you.

Hi Beth,
Yikes! That IS a problem.  I'm sorry to say this but
you may never find a solution to this problem except to place one of the Jacks somewhere else.  You could try a professional dog trainer but you are dealing with two dominant dogs - each one trying to "be the boss".  Your neighbor's dog that you took in is probably going through some real security issues too. Everything in his life has changed and now he has a new family that already has dogs; he is for sure feeling nervous and unsure about all of these changes.  Neutering will probably help a little bit, but one of them has to decide to be submissive to the other - and it may never happen.  It would be different if they were new puppies, but these dogs already have established their boundaries and place in the family.
You were good to take the other Jack in - but maybe it's not the best thing for everyone else.  Are your neighbors gone already?  Do they have anyone else who could take him? I wish I could be of more help in this email but you need a professional to come in and intervene - and this might not even work........ depends on the dogs.  
Good luck, that's a toughie.