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Jack Russell Terrier

20 9:23:55

We recently purchased two Jack Russell Terrier puppies at 8 weeks old and they are now about 12 weeks old. When its time to come inside after using the potty, one of the puppies ignores the "Come" command and we find ourselves chasing him around the yard.  How should we handle this?  Also, what should we do about their play fighting which seems to get a little serious at times?

Hi Marcia,
I apologize for not answering your question earlier, I was away on vacation and forgot to tell the AllExperts staff! Sorry!

Congratulations on your new pups!
It's going to take a good 6 months for the puppies to really understand and follow through with your training commands. The best approach is positive reinforcement. For the COME command, try tying a long rope (clothesline or training lead) to the puppies collar and let him run off and play. Call him in with the COME command and as you do, gently pull the rope and reel him in, repeating COME -  when he gets to you, praise him wildly with a treat and "good boy"! Repeat and repeat and repeat until he (will!) eventually understand the command. Hide yourself around corners and keep testing him; giving him a treat and praise when he comes. Eventually you won't have to use the treats, the praise will be enough.
Play fighting is normal for littermates... to a degree... they are both trying to establish which one will be the dominant one, when the real dominant one is going to be YOU. Break them up and use a one word command or sound, along with a gentle but firm touch (that mimics their moms gentle bite and verbal correction). You should do this BEFORE they get into it too much. A little play is fun, but when teeth are bared and growls are heard, be the momma dog and nudge them away from eachother using a gentle bite with your hand, and a noise that you will use over and over. Repetition is the best teacher.
Good luck with the pups!!! Again, so sorry for lateness.