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my jack russell is spotting during pregnancy

20 9:26:19

my jack russell is 61/2 weeks pregnant. at 6 wks she spotted at night for less than a day. everything else seems normal and she does not seem to be experiencing any discomfort. is that normal or can she be miscarrying?

Hello Debbie,

With the help of Dr. Mike, here is the answer to your question:

It is not unusual for dogs to have a vaginal discharge during the first week or so after breeding AND late term discharges are not unusual, either.  

Some dogs develop vaginitis during pregnancy. This produces discharges that vary in color depending on what is causing them. Most of the time the bitch appears to be unaffected by this condition and treatment is usually not necessary.

Cystitis (bladder infection) is not unusual in female dogs and can occur during pregnancies. Blood in the urine sometimes looks like a vaginal discharge but dogs with cystitis are usually bothered by the condition, urinating frequently and straining as if there is a need to urinate but not producing urine. The straining can be severe enough that some people think their dogs are constipated.  Based on your description, this seems unlikely.

The most serious cause of vaginal discharges in EARLY pregnancy, or within the first month or so after a heat period, is uterine infection (pyometra). Uterine infections can become life threatening but many dogs do not show much sign of problems until the infection becomes very severe. Any change in her behavior that makes you think that she may be sick should be taken seriously due to this possibility. An increase in drinking and urinating should prompt an immediate visit to the veterinarian, as this occurs as toxins build up in the uterus.

Keep a close eye on her. Watch for signs of lethargy, loss of appetite, increased thirst, increased urination and any other sign of illness. MOST discharges during pregnancy turn out to be unimportant but they can be worrisome. Watch closely for any negative changes and if worsening occurs, take her to the vet immediately.