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car hatin rider

20 9:23:55

Millie is 2 years old. we've had from 12 weeks and have always taken in the car to get her use to it. she shakes like a vibrator and sweats like crazy. when she sits on my lap i am soaking from her sweating! she has now begun to pant [drool] an even peeing on her pillow. we have tried a diazepam [5mg]from the vet but it rarely works. any ideas? she is the joy in our life and we would love her to have a good experience in the car with us.Thank You

Hello Doug and Sandy,
I apologize for the lateness in answering your question, I was away on vacation and forgot to tell the AllExperts site.
I'm sorry about Millie's panic when she's in the car. It sounds like you are doing everything you are supposed to:  Exposure is the first step.. little short rides every day and lengthening them over time.
Some people actually put shades in their cars so the dog can't see outside and get nervous! You could ask the vet for a little bit of a larger dose, or give the current prescription well in advance of the ride. Giving it right before the ride won't help.
If all else fails, I would just not make her go.
Good luck!!!