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older Jack peeing in the house- still!

20 9:29:33

Ny JRT "Jack" goes outside on a regular basis, always does his business but still tinkles on a particular chair in our living room and nightly on a rug in our bathroom- it doesn't matter if he goes out right before bed, 1-2 times in the middle of the night - there's still pee waiting in the am.  The living room is now off limits to him and we're not too upset about the bathroom- but we're building a new house and my husband's not real sure Jack's coming with us- HELP!!! I love my baby but don't know what to do!  He knows what he's doing is wrong- I'll ask him "what did you do?" and he lowers his head and runs to his bed- anyway- all advice welcome!

Hi Cathy,

You have to buy a cleaning product like URINE GONE to get the smell of urine COMPLETELY out of the chair and rug.
Regular cleaners like Pine Sol and Lysol don't do the job.
If they smell even the slightest scent of past urine, they think it's an approved place to go...
Males are more likely to mark their territory, and especially un-neutered males!  
If you can CATCH HIM IN THE ACT and then strongly correct him, this has a better impact than trying to correct him after he's already gone.
If he's still a puppy, he might need to go out more often to reinforce that learned behavior.  When training my 8 week old pups, I take them out every hour or two around the clock. Once they learn it, they never forget.
It's not easy, but you can do it!
Best of luck