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9 month JR not listening and urinating

20 9:28:14

My male JR is almost 9 months old. Until recently he was pretty well behaved, came when I called, sits, stays, etc. But he no longer listens, unless he feels like it. Also, when I sit at the table and read or watch tv, he will come quietly next to my leg for a few minutes, then urinate on my leg - all the while keeping his head and ears down like he knows how bad he is being! When he does not listen to my commands, or urinates, I (try) and catch him, then put him in his crate for a time out. It doesn't seem to help. He knows he is bad and takes his punishment very quietly, but doesn't learn from the lesson.

Hi Jane,

It sounds like he is yearning for more attention from you -
Even negative attention is better than no attention, hence the urinating on your leg. After he urinates on you, you chase him (what fun!) and put him in his crate (oh well, at least shes doing something with me).
He is in his PRIME for growing and wanting to play and exercise. At this age he needs plenty of exercise, lots of running, burning up some energy. Jacks "need" something to do, they need a job of some sort to keep them happy.... like chasing a ball, jumping a hurdle, chasing mice, etc...
He doesn't need as much sleep as he did when he was a puppy. Try if you can to take him out at least 3 or 4 times a day and burn some of that energy off. If you aren't able to do that, you can put him on a treadmill to jog for a little while. If you can't do that, maybe there's a neighborhood kid who can take him out for a good run a couple of days. I did that when I was a teen! You'll see the benefits of an exercised dog. Exercised dogs are MUCH easier to train too.
As far as the listening goes, I am assuming he is just bored with the whole thing. Try retraining him again using food as a reward and positive reinforcement (go crazy with praise when he DOES come, etc).
Praise works better than correction and punishment. Make sure you stay absolutely consistent so he knows what's expected. Don't correct him one day and not the next for the same offense.
Sometimes they just need a little refresher course, Jacks will test you now and again just to see what they can get away with! :)
Re-establish your dominant role (you're the boss!!)
So, to sum it up, take him out more often, get him busy, refresh the training (use treats!) and positive reinforcement.
He sounds fun.... good luck with him!!