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potty training older dog

20 9:30:07

I was given a 2 year old female.I am unsure of how she was potty trained in past. She seems to go only on concrete. I spent three months working with her extensively. Taking her out on the hour, praising etc. Still would come inside and relieve herself on the basement floor. Sometimes she is doing it under the kitchen table which is linoleum. Had her to the vet she was clear of urinary infection and diabetes. Said I should crate train her. Since I have recently returned to work, I have begun crating her for 8 hours a day. SHe is also crated at night since I can't allow her to roam at night either or else she will mess in the house. it's not getting any better. She is still messing in the house at least once a day. I've had her four months now and my husband is ready to give her the boot. Any ideas greatly appreciated.

Hi Christine ~

It sounds like you've done everything you're supposed to!
I can see you care about her very much to go through everything you have tried.  
Crate training won't work at this point because if I read your question correctly, she is going to be in the crate 99% of the time anyway. All day while you are at work AND all through the night.  When does she play or interact with others? Maybe you should re-think if right now is the right time for you to have a dog. Please take no offense because I don't mean any, but dogs and especially Jacks need fun, exercise, socialization, and attention. I don't think that's possible being crated 20 out of 24 hours.
There's no way you can house train a dog to do her business outside if she's never out there. Do you have anyone who can come during the day and take her out? Or maybe on your lunch hour you could come home and let her loose to expend some energy? They usually don't like to pee/poop where they sleep but that can't be helped if there is no where else to go.
My honest advise to you is to quit your job (not very realistic I know) and keep up the good work training her taking her out often and lots of praise. She has been doing it on concrete for two YEARS, you will need more than 3 months to re-train her to go outside, but you (were) on the right track!  
If you can't quit your job, or if you can't have someone come in, she would probably do better in a home where she has more opportunities to train correctly and has more freedom to be a Jack Russell.  You were good to adopt her, but are you doing what's best for her now?    
Best of luck to all of you.