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pup jack rusell

20 9:27:28

i bought a jack russell pup the mother stopped feeding she lost all the pups except mine a girl and the breeder of forty years said she was ready to go, i found this hard to believe as ive had jacks before she looked about 5=6 weeks old but feisty and not shy feeding etc so reluctantly took her. she is the most fiesty thing ive ever owned growling cackling and biting me and my friends 13 week old jack who is twice her size but she doesnt do it with the 2yr old jack. my girl is bright and not scared but the growling and biting is a worrie. she comes from working but pet dogs she has had her tail docked and was eating rabbit at 5 weeks now on puppy food and wormed.she fetches and brings a ball back allready and stalks socks indoors. i just dont want her to growl when picked up cackle and bite me or any one else.

Hi Brendon,
Congrats on your new pup...
Now you say you've had jacks before so you must know the importance of getting good and firm training done early for this breed. We jack owners love the "spiritedness" in our dogs but the constant biting and growling has to be stopped sooner than later. I strongly suggest taking her to a dog training school and enter her (and yourself) in a puppy kindergarten/good manners class and start from the basics and work your way up. It's still early so I'm sure with your expertise and some guidance and a good trainer, you'll get that little girls aggression in check very quickly. Exercise is another major factor is curbing aggression, so play long and hard with her and set her up for some good training.  That's another good thing about Jacks, they are super smart and learn very quickly. Do it now before it get worse.
Good luck with your little Taz!!