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Teeth Changing

20 9:26:06

Hi again Carol, wrote you back on 8/13 about puppy Buzz's stone chewing and with your advice have mostly broken him of that.  We are now up to 19 weeks and he is doing great and in week 3 of 8 puppy kindergarten.  My question is what your experiences are with duration and timing of teeth changing.  He started (and now finshed) all top and bottom front center teeth 3 weeks ago at week 16.  Has not lost any of the "fangs" yet, but many of the ones behind them also.  Just wondering from your many dogs how long you think it will take to finish switching all the teeth?  I only ask because I can tell when they are bothering him and I love him so much it hurts me to see him hurting, so wondering when our common pain will end? :) Thanks as always!

Hi Brett,
Usually all the secondary teeth are in between 6 and 8 months.
You can wrap some ice cubes or ice chips inside of a facecloth, tie it off and give it to him to
chew, it feels GREAT on their teeth and gums and helps ease some discomfort of teething. Rawhide and other chewies will help move the process along. You love him so much!
Keep up the great work!