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Mosquito repellant,and Belly cream

20 9:26:29


Major at 10 weeks
We are so excited to welcome our new family member Major. He is now 11.5 weeks old,and we brought him home at 8 weeks. He is indeed a very active puppy. Major loves coming with us on our walks but we noticed the other evening as we were getting bitten by mosquitos so was Major. Is there any product that you reccommend as repellant that is safe for dogs? Also I know that for example the chinese crested dog needs cream for the skin I wonder if the same would apply regards to the JRT belly. Especially now since there is hardly any fur covering his belly. Any advice you have is more than welcome.  

Hi Paula,

I'm not sure if Canada is the same as the U.S. but it is pretty mandatory that all dogs are treated with Frontline or K9 Advantix, which are flea/tick/mosquito repellents that go directly onto the skin. Mosquitos are the worst thing for your puppy to get bitten by because they cause heartworm in dogs. Make sure you get Major tested for heartworm and then get him on a heartworm preventative, the most common one here in the US is called HeartGuard. Major should grow some more  hair on his belly as he gets older and there is not really a cream I would recommend unless he starts experiencing allergies (which unfortunately are all too common in Jacks). To be honest, I am really surprised your breeder didn't give you any of this information, especially about the flea/tick/mosquito preventative.
Again, maybe it's not such a big concern in Canada, but here in the U.S. it's absolutely CRUCIAL.  I'm glad you inquired and wish you the best of luck. He's absolutely adorable!