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Jack Russel loss of rear leg control

20 9:21:34

Our 12 year old Jack Russell is progressively losing control of her rear legs. She is no longer able to jump onto the lounge chair or bed because of reduced strength in her legs.
She is in no pain and all other systems are working normally.
I'm afraid a visit to the vet may be the last - is there something we can do for her?

Hi Len,

Don't be afraid to take her to the vet -  she is an older dog, but could live for another 3 to 7 years.  It could be arthritis or something neurological. The best way to treat anything wrong is to get medical attention. Dogs aren't always vocal when they are in pain either. She may be very uncomfortable but unable to "tell" you.  There are anti inflammatory drugs, mild pain relievers, laser treatments, many many things you could do for her to make her more comfortable, and ultimately prolong her life. You may see a remarkable difference in no time. I understand your fear, we don't ever want to think about losing our best friends, but the earlier you get her treatment, the better the outcome and quality of her life will be!!

Best of luck!!!