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Jack Russel Mix?

20 9:21:35

So my mom bought a jack Russell during the summer and her whole coat is filled with spots (I always refer to her as a cow because of all the spots, reminds me of a cow) :) but I always wondered if she could be mixed with something else because I've seen jack Russell and her fur looks nothing like them, maybe shes just special but I would like to know if you had any idea of this. If you would like a picture Ill be glad to send you one.
Thank you! :)


Hi Maricela,

Jack Russells coats vary in different ways.
They can be completely white
They can have black, tan, and brown spots,
They can have LOTS of spots and colors or only a few.
Tri-colored jacks are the most popular (3 colors, white, black and brown)
One of my jacks has a big black spot on her side and we call her cow also!!
Enjoy your jack!!