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JRT Parson behavior

20 9:30:10

I have a 3 yr old nuetered male (Jujube) that I am having strange new behavior happening. Added to our home a new pup
Queensland heeler pup 1 yr ago introduced to jujube when he was 8wks old .. found out Heeler (male) is also domiant in temperment...they have had couple fights over food/treats but it has been controllable.. the issue is Jujube has started this bizarre marking of furniture, drapes, table legs in the house.. he does it when we are not there, when we find it and say any comment"oh my god' what is this.. did you do this? bad dog.. he starts growling and gurgaling he sound like a tasmanian devil cartoon.. thats the closest thing I can think of..and you and comes toward you.. puts his 2 front legs on you and sort of challanges your displeaser with him.. he would nevber bite me.. its all for show, I pick him up, scold him he sounds horrible but its all show..I put him on time out, then he comes out submissve as can be after 10 min begging to be picked up, I am taking him to the vet tomorrow to rule aout any health issue...but wanted to run this buy a jrt expert knwo the breed and how smart they are.. sometimes i swear he looks for me after he marks and even looks at it so I can get made and he starts his growling...I love the new dog toby and do not want to find him another home, and hope this is not cus he has not accepted him or his status.. any help would be greatly appreciated. Marlene

Hi Marlene,

Oh boy, you're not going to like this answer but YES he is acting out because of the new puppy! He's been "top dog" for the last 3 years and now you bring this adorable little baby puppy in, lavishing him with all sorts of oooh's and aaaah's and how-cutes!  Jujube is jealous and no way does he want to share you!!!  
He doesn't like the attention you are giving the puppy, and is acting out in a bad way so you will re focus your attention on HIM!! Even if it's bad. He'll do whatever he can to get you to notice him and take your eyes off the other little guy. "see mom, see what I did"!
The aggression, even if you think it's all for show, should NOT be tolerated one bit. Don't let him growl or put his paws on you challenging you. You are unknowingly sending him signals that he is the boss. Stop the behavior before it even starts.  If you see something that he did that was wrong, reprimand him immediately but don't play into the growling.
The first thing you should do is go buy some "bitter apple" spray at your local pet store and spray it on the things he's already chewed so he won't go back and finish the job.
LAVISH him with lots of attention to reassure him that he is still your number one boy. Set time aside that's just for the two of you to play. Give him lots of praise when he is doing nothing and being "good". He's just feeling nervous and unsure that this new puppy will be taking his place. If you give constant reassurance to Jujube and spend lots of time with him,(more than usual) he will eventually realize that this new little pest is no threat. It might take a while, and there still is the possibility that they might not ever get along, you have two male dominant breeds together and that is always a challenge.
Very best of luck to all of you!
Feel free to write anytime.
Take care,