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spitting up bile

20 9:21:30

Hi Carol, my little shorty male Buzz is almost 5 now, haven't asked you a question since he was a pup.  He never threw up the first four years of his life, but after his end of September annual vet visit and getting his 3 shots, one of which was the 3-year rabies he started maybe once a week spitting up a tiny bit of clear bile with nothing in it first thing in the morning before he eats his breakfast.  Only at that time and only the once, never heaving through the day or anything.  In the past he never seemed bothered by any shots.  He still seems healthy otherwise, eating good, running around and poop and pee normal.  Wondering if it just may be that he is getting hot under the covers with me this cold winter while he's asleep and getting an upset stomach before he eats, or if I should be concerned about something else.  Do they make doggy tums?  It's amazing how much that tiny bit of bile can stink!  Your thought would be greatly appreciated as always.  Thanks, Brett

Hello Brett ~

I don't think the vaccinations have anything to do with the morning bile -
This happens a lot during different time periods of a dogs life; and I'm so glad to be
able to ease your mind, it's NOTHING to worry about. All it means is that Buzz's stomach
is completely empty. Have you ever been so hungry that you feel sick?  I have counseled
people (and my own dogs) to simply give your dog a saltine cracker first thing in the morning and you'll see the "vomiting" stops.  If it's in the middle of the night, you can leave a cracker in her bowl, or try giving her a couple of crackers before she goes to sleep in the night.  It's OK to give a dog one Tums if you want, but I tend to lean towards the emptiness of the stomach rather than it being "upset".  Give the crackers a try, I think you'll find it works great.  If not, and if it continues, you should take her to the vet for a check up.
Best of luck to both you and Buzz!!