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Jack Russells \Testicles

20 9:28:13

We Own a 7 month male and he has only one Testicle the vet said that if the
other does not drop soon there is a greater risk of cancer is there anything
that can be done to help this testicle out of hiding something medicinal or
maybe a special type of Message or both perhaps . and if  surgery is the only
option what is the cost of such a surgery
Also could you point me in the right direction to a book of knowledge on the
we also have a Dalmatian and so far no problems with the two of them they
get along like they have been friends forever
thank you for you time
Jerry & Marianne

Hi Jerry,
Undescended testicles that haven't come down on their own by 7 months should definitely be surgically removed. If not, they necrotize (or die) and cause health problems and cancer risk to the dog. The testicle is tucked in the muscle and I don't know of any way other than surgery to get it out. It's probably already necrotized by now and you should have it done as soon as you can. This is something that the breeder should have told you about and taken some money off your purchase price... (unless you bought the dog at a pet store, you're out of luck).  You should have the dog neutered (take both testicles) while he is in surgery anyway.
Good luck