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Potty training jack russell pup

20 9:23:48

I got a female Jack Russell at the age of 8 weeks old.  She was born Dec. 28, 2010.  It is still winter here, very cold so I can't bring her outside as she shivers and wants in.  How can I potty train her in the house.  I bought the training pads but she seldom goes on them.  It's hard to reprimand her as I have a good size house and I miss her doing her business.  Please tell me what I can do.  She's very smart. Thank You, Anne

Hello Anne,

I wouldn't let a new puppy have free reign of your house, especially at this young age. Perhaps you could gate the kitchen area to be able to watch her constantly as well as keep her safe and let the "accidents" only happen in one area.
Puppies are more resilient than you think so you should definitely try to get her out of the house as often as you can. Every half hour isn't too much! You don't have to stay out there long, just OFTEN to get her used to it.  Of course it will get much easier as the better weather comes.
If you absolutely can not bring yourself to bring her outside, use the puppy pads in the kitchen.
The second you see her doing her business, pick her up and bring her over to the pad. The training works better if you can actually catch her in the act. You will have to repeat this hundreds of times. The problem with the pee pads is, it will be harder to train her to go outside after she learns to use the pads.  If you start right away with outside, you will be making training easier on the both of you.  
When she does her business where she is supposed to (pad or outside) make sure to praise her lavishly!! Positive reinforcement works better than reprimanding. Yelling and getting angry only confuses a new puppy. They need constant attention at this young age and the more you reinforce going outside or on the pad, the faster she will learn. Be prepared though because it could take MONTHS. Consistency and patience will pay off.  It's hard work but once she is taught correctly, life will get much easier!!  
Good luck and congratulations on your new puppy!!!