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Parsons jack russell and 10 month old baby

20 9:21:27

I am observing  a family  with a 2 year old dog who have recently adopted a 10 month old child. I have seen the dog lick the child on the face and  take/play with his toys. I am worried about the boundaries and see this as dominating behaviour. Am I mis/overly interpreting this behaviour . The parents tell me this is protective and friendly behaviour? They have also told me they found the dog in the child's bedroom under the cot where the child was asleep. I can only see this as unsafe. Advice appreciated

Hello Mary,

It's very difficult to give you my opinion when I can't see the behavior. but in general,
my first inclination is that licking the baby's face and playing with his toys is not aggressive or dominating by itself.  If the dog is taking the toys FROM the baby, growling, nipping or possessive of the parents (dog displaying signs of jealousy or attention seeking from parents when they are with the baby), jumping on or excessive barking would be of concern to me. I would never leave a dog alone with a new baby under his bed, or in the house, regardless of breed, sex or age of the dog.  As much as I love dogs, babies always come first.