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JR-Beagle Puppy Aggression

20 9:29:56

My 9-week old JR-Beagle cross has started growling at me and biting me,
esp. when I try to restrain her or if I pick her up and hold her while outside.
She actually bit me hard enough to draw blood yesterday when I moved her
aside to add food into her bowl. I've tried the Caesar Millan two-finger poke
and the Psst noise, but she just keeps coming at me. I'm starting to mistrust
her all the time after these incidents, even tho she is generally sweet, and
knows "sit" and "stay."  I think this biting is coming from frustration more
than aggression, but it has to stop. Thanks, Nancy

Hi Nancy,

Oh that's too bad! She can definitely feel your mistrust and nervous-ness, and is acting accordingly. Try hard to show your boss status and.
Biting at the food bowl is not a good thing - can I ask you where did you get the pup from? If it was from a pet store you might be dealing with a pretty traumatized puppy who had no social interaction whatsoever.
Keep working with the Milan method - it takes time to reverse bad habits and make sure you give her PLENTY of exercise before you do anything else. You have to get that "edge" or aggression out before you try to train or teach her anything.   
I know it's disheartening when your puppy bites but she is very very young and just needs constant re-direction and teaching. It will take at least 6 months so don't give up!
Get some tapes of Cesar and watch, you'll learn lots of tricks to use.  
She's a baby, be patient :)))
good luck!