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is my dog going to have puppies

20 9:26:26

hello my name is Willie and  ave a jack Russell and a Pekingese and i to know if she is going to have puppies by him.i have notice her nipples are getting big but im not sure she is preg because shes only 10 months old and and she is protective about he food and can dogs get preg a her age

Did you female dog go into heat? Did you see small amounts of blood coming from her vagina? If no, then she probably is not pregnant.
If yes, then she probably is.  "Usually" dogs start their first heat cycle around one year old. You still have time to GET HER SPAYED!!!!!
You DON'T want to bring unwanted mixed breed pups into the world, it is a huge expense to you as well as a huge toll on the dog. Save yourself some money, time, and heartache and have her spayed at once.
Good luck!!!