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Jack Russell has the sniffles

20 9:26:40

Hi.  I have a 2 year old JRT who has the sniffles and sounds a tiny big congested.  Would it be safe to give her a dose of pediatric children's cold medicine?

Don't ever give human medicine to dogs; it is dangerous and can be deadly. I don't have a lot of information on your dog but there are NUMEROUS reasons dogs can sound congested (including heartworm infestation, bortadella( Kennel cough) infections tracheobronchitis,
parainfluenza and adenovirus). There is even a relatively new canine influenza virus out there now (canine flu)!
It really is best to have your dog examined by a veterinarian to determine the cause of the "sniffles" and congestion and administer the proper treatment.
Best of luck to you both!!