Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Jack Russells > AMOUNT OF DRINKING WATER FOR JACK RUSSELLS


20 9:26:40

My Granddaughter has been told to limit the amount of water provided to her Jack Russell.  Her limits are so limited that I am afraid of kidney or liver failure from lack of water.  JR is so thirsty that when he gets a drink he over drinks. How much water should be given and how often.  Some specialist has told her to delete the water from diet to prevent constant urine drips.  She provides the same amount of water for her baby pug.  Please help me to help my Grandaughter understand what is required.

Hi Liz,

Water is a tricky subject, because too little or too much can be deadly and dangerous. You didn't specify HOW MUCH he drinks when he overdrinks but I don't know of any specialist who would completely delete water from any animals diet! That's RIDICULOUS. Water is essential.
I think your grand-daughter is the best person to decide how much water her Jack Russell gets. You have to take cues from the dog. If he has had vigorous exercise, he needs to replenish and a half a bowl of water is not too much. Sometimes dogs ingest too much water if they are playing in a pool, or with a garden hose. They can get water intoxication that causes their brains to swell and they can die.   A healthy dog will usually only drink if they are thirsty. If he is NOT exercising and drinking massive amounts of water, he needs to be seen by a veterinarian for testing of PU/PD (polyuria/polydipsia) - a treatable condition.
"Urine drips" (submissive urination) is usually a behavioral problem and can also be addressed by some simple behavior modifications like ignoring the dog when entering the house and keeping excitement to a minimum.... but that's a whole different topic.
I suggest the first thing she should do is take the Jack to the vet for testing to make sure he is not suffering from PU/PD. If normal, she will have to use her discretion and water him according to his activity level. I hope this helped! Good luck!!!