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JRT scarred to go outside

20 9:29:18

Hi. I have a feale JRT that is 3 yrs old. She was jumping and playing outside
and got hurt a little over 2 months ago. I took her to the vet and they said she
had a sprained hip. They gave me some medication & told me to have her rest
for about 2 wks. It has been about 3 1/2 weeks and she seems fine in the
house but she still refuses to go outside for a walk or to play. I used to take
her for a walk every day. Now if I take her out she shakes and won't move.
She jumps, runs, and plays in the house so I don't think that she is still hurt
but I am not sure. Do  you have any suggestions? Thanks

Hi Jen,
Without actually seeing her it's hard to say, but I think she is probably just still a little sore and really nervous. Take it slow but don't baby her. She can feel it if you are worried. Take her out and gently pull her along offering her favorite treat at your side as a little incentive... keep her moving forward by offering the treats.
Only go a little ways and then come back inside but increase the distance a little bit every day. I think eventually she'll start to feel safe again with you by her side and nothing actually bad happening. Be assertive and kind but don't act nervous or baby her because that will make her confirm her suspicions that she has something to be nervous about. If you aren't worried, she won't be either. Very best of luck, it might take a little time but I am sure she'll be back to her old self pretty soon.
Take care,