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Jack Russell Behavior

20 9:29:08

We have a 9 yr. old JR Sparkey.  We adopted him from a rescue when he was
4.  We were told he had separation anxiety, and he would urinate on things in
our home while we were away.  We started putting him in the utility
room(with his doggy door) while we were away.  Recently, about 3 months
ago, he started urinating on things again. (Beds, backpacks, clothes, sack of
potatoes, vacuum, to name a few.)  He does this while we are  at home.  We
recently changed his food to "people food" instead of dry dog food.  He loves
it and gobbles up everything we give him, so we are not sure if it is the food
change or some other issue.  

Hi Julie,

Besides the food, is there anything else you changed in the house? A new job, a new baby, change of schedule, guests visiting, ANYTHING that's different? Usually when a dog goes back to an undesirable behavior he is acting out in rebellion or nervousness for something that is out of his control. I don't think the food has anything to do with it, but why would you give him people food anyway?(it's not good for him, will cause weight gain, bad for his teeth, and missing some nutrients that are important for canines). It's probably going to be hard to get him back on the dog food but I would definitely try. No dog has ever starved himself by not eating, so if you give him dog food and he won't eat it, keep trying because eventually he WILL if he has no other choices and is really hungry.
Hard crunchy dog food, no canned stuff. He's only 9 and has a good 7 or more years! Do you want him eating human food for the next 7 years? You're not doing him any favors....
OK, back to the urinating; if there are no obvious reasons that he would be doing this behavior again, I suggest you take him to the veterinarian to be tested for a urinary tract infection and a check up.
It's also important to get rid of the smell of urine on the things he did "go" on. Regular household cleaners work for our noses but not theirs. Try to get some Urine Gone or Gonzo pet spray, there is an enzyme in those particular cleaners that completely eliminates the urine odor to the dog. They tend to urinate on things they have already "marked" so clean all areas he has gone on.
I wish you the very best of luck, he sounds like a sweetie and I love his name :)