Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Jack Russells > The right doggy door for a jack russell terrier

The right doggy door for a jack russell terrier

20 9:21:46

Our jack russell, Cricket, is almost 1 year old now really sweet but still loves to chew. We have had to buy a metal framed dog bed because she was going through beds so fast it made more sense to spend the money once that to keep shelling out $30 every few months. Also, we have had to replace our dog door twice since we got the new bed. Should we invest in a chew proof dog door(really expensive)or will she out grow this chewing?

Hi Sharon,

Usually puppies outgrow that intense chewing stage after all the adult teeth come in (about 6 months old).  Sounds like you have a chewer on your hands! Make sure to keep lots of "approved" chew toys and natural rawhide chips around for her to chew. When you see her chewing something she shouldn't, pull her away, say no, and then give her something that she IS allowed to chew, and praise her.  It may take a while for her to learn but eventually most dogs learn to understand.  
Having said that however, there are always those few that just live to chew and love to chew!
Jack Russells live between 14 and 16 years so maybe the expensive metal door might be a good investment.  Best of luck to you all!