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barking / separation

20 9:26:51

Hi we have just got an 8 month old female jack Russell which my husband takes to work with him. However if he leaves the room whilst at work she sits there and barks until he returns and she barks at his colleagues. when at home she doesn't bark at all. Is there any advice apart from telling her off to help get her to stop barking?

Hi Laura,

When dogs bark when you leave them, they are exhibiting a form of separation anxiety. Yelling and getting angry only makes them more anxious so it's important to stay calm. The best way to tackle this problem is to desensitize the dog to the leaving. Have your husband practice leaving and returning to the room - starting with short periods and work his way up to longer times. What you are doing is showing the dog that I WILL BE BACK. Have him leave for half a minute and return; then leave for a minute and come back; then leave for 2 minutes and return; then leave for 5 minutes and return; etc... until she realizes that there is nothing to worry about and that he WILL be returning. It's also helpful if he will be gone for a long period of time, to give her a special toy like a KONG( filled with some yummy treat for her to pre occupy herself while he is out of the room.
Reassure her, speak softly and practice leaving and coming back (over and over and over) until she is comfortable with him leaving. The treat is also used as a reward for being quiet while he is gone.
Patience and consistency will pay off!! Good luck!!!