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A hiding Jack

20 9:23:58

My 8 y.o. Jack burrows behind the sofa cushions, under bedding, anywhere she can hide herself. This behavior starts as soon as the sun begins to set. Is this normal Jack behavior, or is she afraid of something (under normal conditions, no shaking)?
She is a dog prone to fear--I have recently gotten her a pheromone collar, which has made a significant difference. But I'm curious about the burrowing, and if it is a symptom of some kind, or if it is simply something she likes to do. I want to ensure her emotional health along w/her physical well-being.

Hello Patti,

As long as she isn't exhibiting extreme fear, such as shaking and crying and even lashing out, then she is fine to keep hiding. I know it must break your heart to see, but dogs have many different ways of coping, and this one seems harmless to her.  I'm glad the pheromone collar has helped her. At 8 years old she is pretty set in her ways, and I feel it would probably do more harm than good to try to change it at this point. She isn't hurting anyone and she isn't hurting herself, so just let it be. It's a good thing she does it at night (and can sleep!) instead of during the day which would not make for a very happy life.  Best of luck to you both!