Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Jack Russells > i think my dog is part jack russell...

i think my dog is part jack russell...

20 9:27:51


i found buddy a couple of months ago and brought him home.  i have no idea how old he is, but he is very attached to myself and my husband.  he is constantly begging for attention, sitting at our feet, trying to be petted, basically never leaving our side.  he is not hyper at all, which is why i question my vet, who told me that he looks to be part jack russell.  he does look like he might be, so maybe whatever he is mixed with is a calmer breed.  do you have any ideas on what breed(s) he might be?  he also whines a lot, which is mostly due to the fact that about a month ago, he saw our other dog get hit by a car and killed.  he is devastated and depressed.  but this has been his personality the entire time we've had him (other than being extra whiny and depressed!).  just wondered what you thought he might be!

Hi Stephanie,
I can't tell exactly what Buddy is by the picture you sent but he sure is cute. He definitely has some Jack Russell looking features on his face, but his body looks to be rather large for a Jack.... but again, I can't be sure. Sorry. You can have him tested to find out EXACTLY what he is, but the tests can be quite expensive.
He sounds like a great dog, and I'm sorry he had to witness your other dog hit by a car, thats so sad and traumatic.
Make sure he gets lots of exercise because mentally it is wonderful for him, as well as physically great for him. Lots of loving and attention work wonders too!
Best of luck with Buddy, you are a wonderful person for taking him in.