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JRT 6am Barker

20 9:29:10

Hi There,
When we first brought him home 6 or so weeks ago he barked in the middle of the night for about a week but we ignored him and he eventually he understood that we weren't coming to him and he stopped.

Now for some reason he started to bark wildly and non-stop at about 6am for the last 5 mornings and we don't understand why he is doing this. Its the sort of bark that is saying "please let me in". Sometimes he will bark for up to 10 mins constantly. He will stop for a while then go again. 2 weeks ago we started to take him for early morning walks at about this time. Is he expecting an early morning walk and is he trying to get us to take him out for a walk ? We ignore his barking when he wants to get inside and waits till he calms down before we let him in but by then its too late and the whole street is surely awake. I usually wait 1 min or so after he stops barking and calms down before I let him inside the house to be with us. Is this enough time in your opinion ? We are gone from the house from 730am to 430pm 5 days a week. Could this have anything to do with it ?

We are starting to worry as we know that he is surely waking up our neighbors at this time of morning. We also understand that he is a puppy and still needs to be trained but we are stumped for ideas.

He doesn't bark when we are in the same room. Only when he is outside and wants to come in and now mostly at about 6am for the last 5 days in a row.

Oh please help  ! ! !

Thanks Dean

Hi Dean,
It sounds like you have a perfectly normal puppy! You were correct to ignore his barking in the middle of the night but the early morning barking is definitely his way of communicating to you that he's lonely and/or bored.
It sounds by your writing that you keep him outside all night long?? To answer your question, YES - he absolutely expects and wants you to either take him for a walk or to let him in.  If you think about it, he's outside alone the entire night, and then he's alone again the entire day!!
Jack Russells need much much more activity and interaction than you are giving him. The Jack Russell breed absolutely NEEDS exercise and attention to keep him happy.
What to do?
Well, I would let him sleep in the house, or even in your bedroom with you at night. Some people don't like this but dogs are pack animals, and sleep in a pack/group. He doesn't have his litter mates anymore and you are his pack now. If you get a crate, train him and be some company for him through the night, I can pretty much guarantee a happier dog.  The training will be tough for a little while but it is well worth it in the long run.
Bring him out to do his business before you go to bed and then lock him in his crate in your room for the night.
If he barks, whines, makes any noise at all, totally ignore it. He WILL eventually get the idea that it's nighttime now and it's time to sleep.  
In the morning, take him out for a nice brisk walk for a good 30 minutes before you leave for work.
If there is any way possible, you or someone should come home at lunchtime and take him out for another walk or give him some good PLAY time with you. There are many many dog walkers for hire who will come to your house and do this for you if you can't make it home.
When you come home from work, take him for another walk to give him some quality time with you. And then, start it all over again.  
Owning a puppy is a real commitment and initially a lot of work. If you are absolutely consistent in his training, it won't take much time to get him used to your way of life.
The way it is right now, he's very unhappy and is not getting enough exercise or attention.  
You're a good owner to reach out and get some help for the situation. If you increase his attention and exercise, you will notice a big improvement in his demeanor.
Very best of luck!