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fear of travel

20 9:27:37

We have a 10 year old male Jack Russell who for years loved riding in the car and also flying in our small plane. Recently we took him on a short flight and he started trembling and hyperventilating.  We also took him on a 2 hour car trip with the same results. He's okay with short little car trips around town to run errands but nothing more than a few minutes. Our veterinarian said he can prescribe a mild tranquilizer but we're concerned about his age. Any help you can give us will be greatly appreciated.

Hi Norma,

It's hard to watch our beloved pets grow old, but unfortunately it happens. If nothing traumatic has happened in the car (or plane) like a bad scare, then you are right it's just her age and a little uncertainty coming into play for her age. I know it's hard. The mild tranquilizer won't hurt her in the least and I would definitely recommend it if you are going to be going on a ride that's over an hour. Very small doses can work wonders to take the edge off but not make him drowsy. Give it a try and see how it goes. It also helps if you bring along something comforting or familiar (like a favorite blanket) to help the transition and keep him calm. Also, make sure that YOU are not anxious or nervous because he can very much sense it and will react accordingly. He sounds like a sweetheart and a lucky dog to have such caring owners. Very best of luck with him.