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JR-Puppy-help with walking on a leash

20 9:29:25

Hello!!! My Jack Russell is 9 weeks old!  She's doing well with housebreaking and
can already play fetch!!! -BUT.. i'm really trying to get her to walk on a leash...
and everytime i put it on, she thinks its a toy and just rolls around on the
ground and bites at it!!!! this is getting frustrating!  any tips???? thanks so much

Hi Lauren,
I know exactly what you're talking about. It's so cute and funny, but at the same time so frustrating! The trick is to use JUST a thin slippery corn nylon leash, hooped in on itself around the very top of the puppies neck (right under the chin and behind the ears. Then hold the leash taut and high up so that there's no way she can reach around and get it. You don't use a collar right away when training, just the leash - it's hard to explain by writing but you put the metal clasp end THROUGH the hand loop and pull it up tight on the pups neck. If done correctly you will have the metal clasp end in your hand. She'll hate it at first and fight you to get loose. She will thrash, sit, fall, roll and try to bite it but don't give in, just stand there and be patient until she wears herself out, and try walking again. If the leash is on right she won't be able to get her mouth near it. The long part will be behind her head in an upward position toward your hand. Pull it taut but watch carefully that she doesn't strangle herself by fighting so hard to get it off). The nylon ones are good because they slide easily opened and closed with the movements of the pup. She'll pull tight trying to get at it, but it will loosen on it's own when she stops pulling. I hope this was helpful and best of luck to you! Congrats on the new puppy!
Take care, Carol
Patience is the key! It takes time to learn so just do the best you can with lots of patience. Eventually she will learn that it's just not worth fighting it anymore.