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When to spay post partum.

20 9:29:25

I waited 1 paycheck too long to take Cora to the vet for spay. Now we are expecting JRT pups---mid October. How soon after birth can we get her spayed?

Hi Susie,

Geez, sorry you waited one paycheck too long to have her spayed. I never heard it put that way before! I hope you have lots more paychecks coming because having a litter is very expensive. Veterinarian check ups, mothers ultrasound or x-ray so you know how many puppies there are, hopefully no cesearean section or other complications, that would be terrible, and cost you over two thousand dollars (at least here in Mass). You have to pay for well puppy visits, and don't forget cost of tail docking and dew claw removal. Good breeders always pay for the first set of vaccinations and wormings for all the pups and the mom too.
You should start saving for high quality puppy food too, and Esbilac puppy milk when you wean them! Do you have buyers yet? Write again if you need help with that. and  good luck with the new pups!! Cora will be nursing those puppies for at least 6 weeks after the pups are born. Heat cycles usually run every 6 months, so you should plan to have her spayed about 3 months after the puppies are weaned - or 5 months from her last heat (bleed).  Good luck with the task ahead!!!! Congrats on your new arrivals!