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Jack Russell Spraying In house

20 9:30:06

Hi, I have a male Jack Russell (1y/o)that tends to spray in the house on a regular basis. He has a dog door and knows how to get in and out at will. It is very frustrating he tends to spray on the corners of the walls or table legs. I am at witts end at to why he does it or how to stop him. Please help

Hi Kerry,
I know how frustrating this can be!
Is he neutered? If not, you should consider this because it takes a lot of the "marking" drive away.
Secondly you might have to start over and take him out yourself again instead of using the door. Praise him like crazy when he goes outside, and take him out every 2 hours if you can.
Unfortunately dogs usually will "go" in a spot where they have gone before and it's crucial for you to get the scent of urine off of your things inside the house. URINE GONE or another specialty product works better than our regular household cleaners - dogs can smell through those cleaners and will continue to go there. We can't smell the urine, but they can so using one of those specialty products is important as it breaks up the enzymes and really eliminates the "odor".  I wish you the very best of luck, I know it's hard but consistency is the key! Get him back outside a lot and praise praise praise. It should get better! Take care,