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urinary track infection or is she going into heat?

20 9:30:13

I have a seven (almost eight) month old female jack Russell terrier, who--for the most part-- is house broken.  But this morning she urinated an excessively large amount all over my bed...then when I later put her in the kennel, she urinated in there as well.  Now my girlfriend, who went to get her this morning and watch her for me, says she has continued to urinate more frequently than usual for the rest of the day.  In addition, this same girl friend has a five month old male jack Russell, who seems to be more interested in her female area today than I guess my question you think she is going into heat?  Or do you think she has a urinary track infection?  Or do you think she is just having behavioral problems ( I forgot to mention I am still in the first month of my new job and I know she is angry about the amount of time I am gone).  Thanks so much!

Hello ~ thanks for writing,

There are a lot of variables here!
If I'm reading your question correctly, you just started a new job and changed the usual routine... you're right, she very well could be acting out to let you know she's not liking the new situation very much. Urinating is a nervous reaction (probably when you're getting ready for work, she senses you're leaving). Make sure when you get home, to lavish her with lots of attention. When they are this age, they think in the present tense. She thinks you are not coming back. This is probably why she is urinating more at you're girlfriends house too.

However, if she seems to be squatting constantly, and only a little comes out, then she could have a urinary tract infection. That's when you should see the veterinarian.

Lastly, female dogs CAN go into heat at this age, and they will constantly be cleaning and licking their private area. You will notice that her vulva gets swollen and she will bleed. You'll see little dots of blood on your floor or other surfaces like your couch or wherever you let her sit.  Some dogs are very clean with themselves and can sometimes be in heat for days before you notice. I think the 5 month old male jack russell just notices that his friend has something different than he does. It's probably not heat, but be careful with these two or you will have a pregnant dog - and that's a whole other story! You should definitely get her spayed right away, and your girlfriend should have her male neutered too. If the male is REALLY going crazy, chasing her, licking and nipping her vulva, and mounting her, then she is definitely in heat.

One problem with this AllExperts site, is that I never get to hear the outcome! :)

Very best of luck to you! Write anytime.