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back leg spasms

20 9:29:54

Hi, my Jack has been experiencing muscle spasms. They started in his left leg but over a few months has progressed to both legs, and more recently his lower back muscles. They only used to happen infrequently but now they both spasm when he is just lying about or walking. He tries to walk it of and even jumps when they spasm as they don't seems to hurt him but i am still concerned, does this sound familiar? He hasn't had a change in diet/food. Should i take him to the vet? Can you tell me what you think?


Hi Zoe,

Yes, take him to the vet and have him checked out. It could be one of many many things.  If it is a degenerative problem it's better treated now than later.  Did he suffer an injury to his back by any chance?  Is he a puppy or an older dog? There is a hip disorder that doesn't show up right away called Leggs Perth but he would be favoring a leg. It could be a pinched nerve or anything, the only way to be sure is to have him evaluated. Best of luck to both of you.