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sudden change in behavior

20 9:26:51

My 1 year old female Jack Russell Terrier (not fixed) has had a sudden change in her behavior.  Within the past couple of weeks she has been following me everywhere I go.  Every move I make she is right there.  If I go to the bathroom she will sit at the door and whine.  If I happen to leave the room and she was asleep and then woke up to find out I was gone she will run around the house until she finds me.  Also, she hasn't been eating much. Maybe 3 or 4 bites of food and she's back at my feet.  She sits and stares at me and wants me to hold her all the time.  She also carries around her squeaky toy very carefully (like it's a baby)and cries when she can't find it. When she is outside she is in a fenced in backyard.  No dog can get to her so she is not pregnant.  Nothing has changed in our household.  Does their behavior change with age?

Hi Summer,

It certainly sounds like Pseudocyesis (false pregnancy).
Many dogs experience this, especially females that are not spayed!
Symptoms include what you describe (nervousness, looking for her litter, protecting toys as if they were puppies) as well as milk production and even belly swelling! Some dogs even THINK they are in labor. Try not to touch her nipples as it will only stimulate more milk. Symptoms usually subside within 3 weeks but if not, you could take her to the vet for a shot that will dry up the milk production and have her tested for a hormone imbalance.
Once a dog goes through this, they usually go through it each cycle.
The best thing to do is have her spayed!!!!
Best of luck