Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Jack Russells > Lost use of back leg(s)

Lost use of back leg(s)

20 9:21:45

QUESTION: The Jack was chasing a ball this morning in the yard,when he suddenly started yelping in pain, dragging his hind quarters on the ground.

The vet has x-rayed (showed no visible damage),gave a steroid shot and suspects nerve damage.

Suggestions on a course of action.  The dog belongs to my son, who feels as though he might have to have his dog put down.  Tough decision.  Are we going to be forced to conside this decision yet?

Thanks for a prompt response

ANSWER: I'm so sorry that happened to all of you ...
You didn't mention the age of the dog - which has a huge bearing on what I would do at this point.  Give the dog a little time to recover and hopefully the nerve will repair itself.  If the dog is very old and will not have a quality life, euthanasia might be best for him.
Very best of luck in your decision. Again, my sympathies. Take care.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Sorry, the dog is abut 7 years old.

Hi Robert,

7 is still pretty young -  so I would definitely do what I could to make the dog have a happy long life. Nerve damage is tricky - sometimes it's permanent, sometimes it just needs time to repair itself, what did your vet say about this? Sometimes only time will tell. Lots of love and time and work will help give the dog a fulfilled life. They make wheel carts for handicapped dogs that work GREAT! They are easy to use and the dogs do excellent. Look up on the internet and you will find an array of different types and styles of "wheel carts" for dogs.  It can feel overwhelming at first, but it is SO worth it when you see  how happy and healthy the dog becomes.  Again, best of luck to all of you.