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Jack russell behaviour problems.

20 9:21:27

Please can you help me with my jack russell's behaviour.He constantly looks for any door/window or anything to jump over to run off.I sit home with  my doors/windows closed as i know first opportunity he will run.And when i go after him he seems to go deaf on me,and by the way he's not deaf,far from it.Got very sharp hearing.He ignores me and runs and runs.When i finally catch up with him he gets very aggresive.Also when visitors used to call he takes it upon his self to bite if it's not all about him.Shocking he is.He has been like this since i had him at 6 weeks old.Now he's 2 years and 6 months.And getting worse.Brian,(that's his name)Can be such a loving dog but changes in his personality happen very quickly.Also are all Jack Russells sly?As he's very sly on times.I would be very grateful for any advice on Brians behaviour.

Hi Cheryl,

Wow, that is stressful! He is definitely THE BOSS in your house and that is wrong.  He needs intense one on one training at a dog training facility. I'm serious!  That is no way for you to live, in fear all the time of him running away and ignoring you.  You need to regain control of him, it's completely gone and he knows it.  This really isn't something you can handle on your own, he sounds far too gone.  It's NOT impossible to fix, but he needs a good behavior trainer.  Check your local area for places and get to it. I hate to say it could get worse, but it sounds like it's escalating.  I'm sorry.... but you can win this one. Good luck.