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My jack russells agression

20 9:29:05

I have a 4 year old jack russell terrier and he has always been aggressive since about 1 We have tried everything and nothing works.  He hates people he don't know and sometimes nips at them. Is there any help for him?  What can we do to stop this?  He is also very aggressive towards other dogs,.

Hi Kelly,
It sounds like he needs a professional dog trainer who specializes in aggression. He's been the one in control for 3 years and is going to need some intense training from a professional who will help teach him and teach you what to do and how to handle him. There simply isn't enough room for me here to go into depth about the techniques and be of any great help to you. It's worth the time and money to invest in this training (better than a lawsuit if he bites someone badly!) Very best of luck