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brother and sister from same litter

20 9:29:27

hi, I am getting 2 jack russell puppies in a couple of weeks time and we are getting a male and female from the same litter - and we have been told it might be a mistake and read conflicting advice - what is your opinion?

Hi Kirsty,
Unfortunately there is really no way to absolutely guarantee how things are going to turn out. You can definitely minimize any personality clash by carefully picking the right two pups.  USUALLY if they have grown up with eachother right from the start they will do just fine. I have a few families who took two pups from the same litter and they are all doing just fine. If you are buying from a small reputable breeder - someone who raises the pups right in the home - they will have an even better chance of getting along just fine. They should have close bonds from the start. One of them will definitely establish dominance over the other (there has to be a boss...)so when choosing make sure you pick at least one passive puppy. Two dominant personalities will clash more for the number one spot. Look for one puppy that does NOT START the aggressive behavior (like pouncing on or play biting another, or growling and ripping) but make sure also that this pup WILL defend him/herself - and at least attempt to growl or bite back. Watch the puppies carefully over a long period of time and you can tell who is going to be aggressive and who is not.  It's just the natural way - there has to be one that will boss the other around a bit, and there has to be one that will happily follow the leader. Two dominant pups vying for dominance will ultimately end up constantly fighting with eachother.
Why wouldn't the breeder tell you all this?
Spaying and neutering them both will also help curb any hormonal problems - and of course you don't want to breed them!
Best of luck to you! You sound smart and conscientious. You are going to be a very busy lady! Have fun!
Take care,