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Tail Cutting

20 9:26:41

How do you cut a Jack Russells Tail, Our Hunny just had 6 beautiful pups and this is our first time and don't want to do anything that will harm or hurt her. Should we bring her to the vet or is it easy to do ourselves as the vet would be to expensive.  Thank you


YES, OF COURSE you have to bring them to the veterinarian!!!!
The tails need to be SURGICALLY removed under sterile conditions.
Usually this is done at 3 days old. Anytime after that is EXTREMELY painful to the puppies. The puppies will also need their first set of vaccinations and first dewormer, as well as Esbilac (puppy milk) and a high quality food when its time.  It's EXPENSIVE to breed puppies when done correctly. Good thing Hunny didn't need a c-section, those are very expensive as well. It's best to be prepared for the monetary commitment BEFORE you breed.  Hope you have buyers!! Usually you make sure you have buyers BEFORE you breed. Good luck with them!