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puppy grooming, when to start?

20 9:29:56

Hi Carol,
I'm going to be getting a three month old male Jack Russell Terrier in June.  I already have a 10 year old female German Shorthair Pointer who requires very little grooming.  But I've learned that my new little puppy may require more upkeep.  When should his grooming begin?  I've seen a grooming tool called a furminator, would this be a useful tool or would you recommend something different?  Maybe he should visit a professional groomer regularly...Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Hi Lynn ~

Congrats on your new puppy!
Unfortunately my expertise is with smooth coat Jacks..
they require absolutely no grooming, just a good bath and towel drying :)  It sounds like you may have a rough couat or wire coat Jack coming. The breeder should absolutely help you with more information on this.
Sorry I couldn't help